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LanoPro Wire Grease ST2 EAL

Performance Properties

Steel Wire Rope / Cable Lubrication & Protection

LanoPro Wire Grease ST2 EAL is a readily biodegradable grease lubricant specifically formulated and developed for lubrication & protection of steel wire ropes / cables.

Premium grade grease designed for maximum lubrication and protection against degradation / corrosion, penetrates well and lubricates the steel ropes between the strings to reduce damaging friction. Highly recommended to use a pressurized wire rope lubricator to fully take advantage of the greaseโ€™s thixotropic properties (the grease softens under pressure) in order to maximize the productโ€™s penetrating ability. The product will not leave a sheen on water after contact.

Technical data
Base oil viscosity at 40ยฐC: 140 mm2/s
4-ball weld load: 2400N
Oil separation 168h/40ยฐC: <0.5%
Water resistance at 90ยฐC: 0
Saltspray test: >700hr
Sheen test: Pass, no iridescence/sheen
Temperature range: -10ยฐC to +90ยฐC

โ€ข VGP/EAL compliant
โ€ข Very good thixotropic behavior
โ€ข Strong corrosion protection
โ€ข Excellent low friction lubricant
โ€ข Good penetration properties

LanoPro lubrication symbol


LanoPro corrosion protection symbol

Corrosion Protection

LanoPro water resistance symbol

Water Resistance

EAL approved symbol LanoPro

EAL Approved

LanoPro Wire Grease ST2 EAL


  • Mooring wires
  • Davit wires
  • Towing wires
  • Crane wires
  • Winch wires
  • Etc.


Performance Properties